I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve been self-employed for the past 3 and a half years, building a little business and crossing fingers and toes that it grows and pays the bills. Financially it’s been touch-and-go for a long time, and now, with the pandemic and lockdowns, it’s been just Go. So with a mix of sadness and relief, I decided to shut it down, and look for a ‘proper’ job.
During a global pandemic.
Somehow, I found a full-time job, and that meant a huge adjustment for the kids and me.
Bernhard stepped in in a big, wonderful way to help us through this change – amongst other things, by taking preparing breakfast and dinner upon himself (this was possible because he had to crash at my place for a few weeks while his flat was getting a brand new kitchen installed – but that’s a story for another post).
Lots of lovely, comforting food came out from under his hands, but the one dish which genuinely knocked our socks off, is a breakfast he’s come up with: The Bernie Bagel Stack.
It’s a fully balanced carb-protein-veg meal, delicious, sustaining, and beautiful.
What you’ll need (for 2 people):
A large frying pan
One bagel, sliced in half
2 eggs
One ripe avocado
One tomato or a bunch of cherry tomatoes
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
What to do:
Mash the avocado in a small bowl.
Preheat your pan
Butter each half of the bagel, and place buttered-side down in the hot pan. Toast till brown on one side, then for a few moments on the other side, then put one half on each plate (buttered side up; in cold weather we recommend puting the plates with the toasted bagel in the oven, on a low heat. to keep them warm while you get the other stuff done).
Chop the tomato or halve your cherry tomatoes, add a bit of olive oil to the pan, and plonk them in. Add some salt and fry till soft and a bit runny.
Push the tomatoes to one side, add more oil if needed, and carefully crack the eggs into the pan. When they’re done, turn off the heat, and construct the Stack:
Spread half of the mashed avocado on each bagel-half, then the tomatoes, and finally – place the egg, sunny side up.
Salt & pepper generously.
Serve alongside your hot-drink of choice and Voila! You’re in for a treat.
Truly an excellent way to start your day!