Dorottya, Feb 7th 2022
Vanuatu is a South Pacific Ocean nation made up of roughly 80 islands that stretch along 1,300 kilometres, with a population of a little over 307,000 people.
It gained its independence in 1980 from France and Britain, who called it The New Hebrides, because they didn’t have enough imagination to come up with an original name, or the decency to ask the locals for the proper one…
I’m telling you all of this a) because it’s important, and b) to show that we take our research seriously, and always learn something about the countries whose cuisines we sample. This is pertinent, because the following exchange makes us look like a bunch of gossipy, peacocking, overgrown teens…
Which we are, but never you mind!
So, Dorottya has a new boyfriend, and has invited him to this dinner.
And this is the WhatsApp convo which preceded this gathering:
Dorottya: Hey peeps! Can we go for 8pm tomorrow? Need time to prep after the kids have gone. Oh, and I’ve invited my new dude, please go easy on him!
Bernhard: Ohhhhh! So glad to know there will be more testosterone present 🙂
Me (Arianna) : Of course we will! Like the angels we always are 😉
Dorottya: Haha
Idit: I’m so excited! Can I bring a questionnaire?? I want to know Everything about him. Don’t worry, I promise to be good!
Me: Yeah, but we both know that Ds and Mr Right’s ears will start tingling as soon as we’re back in the car…
Lianne: Ohhh! Yes, for sure. we’ll need several car breaks
Me: Defo
Lianne: Hourly! On another subject: I haven’t managed to get a grass skirt. You’ll be relieved to know I will not be revealing my midriff
Me: That’s a shame
Bernhard: I’m defo coming in outfit!
Lianne: Oooh! can’t wait!
Me: Dorottya, how much are you regretting inviting your man now?
Idit: Haha. I bet she is 😀
Me: Idit and I are happy to come early and help!
Dorottya: Nooo thank you! I’ve got it under control. Lianne, Arianna, I have a spare flower bra! I have nothing to put in it…
Me: Well, if you can’t fill it, I certainly won’t! 😀
Lianne: I have plenty! Probably a couple of harvests’ worth. So it might be too small 😉 Anything smaller than a modest canyon is useless!
Me: 😀 😀
Lianne: Dori, can we pls have a quick bio of the new guy?
Idit & me: Yes please!
Dorrotya: 45, no kids, south London, currently taking a year off to finish his masters in existential therapy. No Fanta jokes please!
Lianne: Oh, he’s ginger, then! Welsh?
Idit: sends pics of ginger biscuits
Dorottya: Thanks dear… No, some Irish in there, I think.
Bernhard: I’m coming in from central, should I bring anything?
Dorottya: No, thank you. All covered. Tell me you’re not travelling by train in costume??
Lianne: Please tell me you are!!
Bernhard: Hahaha! If it wasn’t freezing, I totally would
Lianne: Wimp.
So that was us on the day. We definitely let slip a few fanta jokes during dinner, which Bryn bore with admirable good humour, as he did our endless personal questions. I think he’s a keeper!
Now back to Vanuatu-a-la-London suburbs:
Dorottya looked gorgeous in her Island regalia, and Bernhard… well, judge for yourselves:

I think he pulled off the Obnoxious Tourist schtick all too well. Idit and I wussed out and only wore funky headpieces.
And the food? Oh yes. This is a cuisine blog. The actual main event, the food, was delicious:
For starters Dorottya made a sweet-potato Simboro (spinach leaves filled with spiced sweet-potato mash, in a soup); It didn’t quite work (the parcels unravelled in the soup – I don’t know how that could have been avoided, though), but it was very tasty: a spicy-sweet summery soup.

For Mains we got Mahi-mahi & coconut curry – which for reasons of exotic supply difficulties was made with Swordfish (an excellent, meaty fish), alongside sweet Kumala salad – a rainbow of tangy, earthy vegetables.
The fish curry was heady and delicious, and the salad was the perfect sidekick.

For dessert Dorottya baked a Vanuatu coconut cake, served with ice-cream.
It was all accompanied with much rum, the preferred colonial beverage, and Prosecco – which is. admittedly, not geographically appropriate, but was brought out to celebrate Dorottya’s new man and Lianne’s (soon to be) new house!

As these were two most-excellent things to toast to, we did so with gusto. Before, during, and after dinner. And a bit more during an Uno game which followed. Lianne and Dorottya got more than a little tips; Turns out Uno is a very passionate game! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it plaid with such drama…
Next it’s Idit’s turn, with W. You can check for yourselves – there are no countries beginning with W. I wonder how she’ll get around that?