Welcome, one and all, to the dark lair of Dr. Frankenstein, and please say hello to Aubrey – the unfortunate brainchild of our indefatigable host for this H dinner, Bernhard. Muahahaha…. As you can see, Aubrey is made of veg and kebabs, sewn together with string to create a truly abominable piece de resistance for …
Foraged, Floral, and FABULOUS!
Dorottya doesn’t do things in half measures. Dorottya is rather an all-or-nothing sort of person. This whole Dinners-by-the-Alphabet started because she proposed the idea to Bernhard back when they were dating – and now, 6 years down the line, the 5 of us are all at it, and won’t stop. It used to be all …
Bring out your shoulder pads – it’s the EIGHTIES!
So, confession time: this isn’t the menu I’d originally planned. After scouring the web for 80′ characteristic dishes, I’d settled on making ’80 party foods: Devilled eggs, cheese & veg toothpick hedgehog, vol-au-vents, Viennetta ice-cream cake. But then came Lianne’s Disco dinner – an all-in 70′ party food bonanza – and guess what she served?? …
Disco Fever!
Lianne is back! Thanks to her dedication to the annual Big Fun Walk, raising funds for the North London Hospice (you can donate here), we got to enjoy her company and cooking again π And her chosen theme for D dinner was… Disco! What the hell is Disco food, you ask? Well, It’s all those …
Care to Consume a Creative Concoction with us, Chums?
Sometimes you gotta go with the first thing that springs into your mind, and this was definitely the case with Bernhard and his C dinner. What do you cook for a C-themed dinner? Well, C foods, obviously. Not Seafood, but Cee Foods. Turns out there are quite a lot of those. In fact, once you …
I Want To Paint It BLACK
Idit held her cards close to her chest. As the night of her B dinner approached, she subtly let on that between being very busy with work, and as only Bernhard and I joining herself and Oliver dear for dinner, she probably wonβt go very thematic on it. This one will be low-key. So with …
Here we go AAAAgain…To… Angola?
Remember my declaration last time that this reboot of our Alphabetic dinners will be all about themes? Well, erm, not yet, as it turned out. We’re having Angolan food today! Dorottya is hosting, with her friend Val; Lianne is still up in Scotland, and Idit is too ill to attend π Bernhard and I promised …