28.12.2020 : We’re under Lockdown again. I won’t get into the politics of it, just say that after many big statements and bigger back-tracks, London is now in Tier 4 all through December and the Holidays; so no big family get togethers, and no Norwegian Dinner, for the time being. Which really sucks.
‘They’ can’t, however, stop us from cooking and eating delicious food within the confines of our homes, so today I’m bringing to the Flog a recipe I concocted a few years ago, and made for Bernhard & his boys and my own kids last week: Thai-inspired coconut & peanut butter chicken. It’s very easy to make, and is hugely satisfying and aromatic.
What you’ll need (for 6 hungry diners):
6 x chicken legs & thighs
½ jar chunky peanut butter (with no added sugar)
1 can of coconut cream
1 small bunch of coriander / cilantro, chopped
Green curry paste to taste: 1 heaped tablespoon if you burn easily, more if you dare (I personally like a bit of fire here, to counter the sweetness from the peanut butter)
Salt to taste
Mix the peanut butter, chopped coriander, coconut cream and curry paste; taste and add salt as necessary.
Coat the chicken pieces, and place in an oven-proof dish.
Bake for about 45 minutes in 200*c
The marinade forms a soft crust around the chicken, and is very, very flavoursome.
Alongside it I served white rice (duh) and sauteed peppers & courgettes with a bit of chopped red chilli.
The young folk were a bit puzzled by the sweetness of this dish, but liked it and wolfed it down anyway! (barring my daughter Zoe, who scorns most forms of flavour. But don’t let me start ranting about that…). Singha beer for the grown-ups completed the meal very well.