By Bernhard Pucher
- 5 racks of Spare pork ribs (6kg) – WAY TOO MUCH for 7 people (3-4 racks would do)
- 1/4 cup salt
- 1/4 cup black pepper
- 1/4 cup red pepper
- Stubbs Liquid Smoke
- Stubbs BBQ Sauce
The idea with this is to mimic smoked Texas Ribs as much as I can in a London apartment without a smoker. I watched a few videos to help me through this process. What’s below is an amalgamation of all of these to help me this work:
Here are the videos:
Masterclass: Aaron Franklin teaches Texas BBQ (you’ll have to subscribe for the full vid)
What’s the best method for making Oven Ribs?
Heat oven to 110 Degrees
To create Rib Rub, mix salt and pepper together in closable container and shake well to mix it evenly.
Rub liquid smoke across each rack of ribs, make sure it covers it properly.
Spread rub across rack of ribs. Coat it reasonably thick but evenly across the rack. Make sure it covers all of it.
Put in fridge for 1 hour. This dry-marinades it.
Then wrap each rack in aluminium foil. Make sure it’s tightly wrapped (I should’ve wrapped mine better).
Put ribs in the oven for 4 hours. DON’T TOUCH! I messed with it too much and I shouldn’t have. Trust that the meat does its job.
[TIP: I recommend putting a tray at the bottom of the oven to capture extra fats/liquids. Less work cleaning later.]
[I intended to use a SPRITZ (Apple Vinegar and juice) but the ribs were so doused in their own liquids within the foil, it felt excessive to add more liquid to it, so I didn’t.]
Enjoy the smell! When you take them out, watch out for extra liquids spilling. Mine were quite runny.
Remove foil and put ribs back into the oven for an hour.
[If you want to add BBQ sauce, now would be the time, but Texas BBQ doesn’t need that at this stage. It’s all about the rub (Salt/Pepper/Smoke mix)]
When the timer is up we served it up in an oven tray. Because it’s SO much meat we didn’t really have a serving dish which could hold it all, so oven tray it was!