A journey through world cuisine from A-Z

Showing: 11 - 20 of 40 RESULTS
Dinners Recipes

I Want To Paint It BLACK

Idit held her cards close to her chest. As the night of her B dinner approached, she subtly let on that between being very busy with work, and as only Bernhard and I joining herself and Oliver dear for dinner, she probably won’t go very thematic on it. This one will be low-key. So with …

Dinners Recipes

Here we go AAAAgain…To… Angola?

Remember my declaration last time that this reboot of our Alphabetic dinners will be all about themes? Well, erm, not yet, as it turned out. We’re having Angolan food today! Dorottya is hosting, with her friend Val; Lianne is still up in Scotland, and Idit is too ill to attend 🙁 Bernhard and I promised …

Dinners Recipes

We’ve made it to Z!!!

And how fitting and serendipitous it is that we can complete our culinary world tour of the alphabet as the calendar year is drawing to a close. This one’s mine, and I chose New Zealand as our foodie destination (sadly without Lianne, who moved north to Scotland last month). I hope you will excuse the …

Dinners Recipes

Yucatan. Coz Y not Mexico

Or: How to get away with doing Mexican again, without incurring the wrath of Dorottya. 23 June 2022 Yes, yes, we should be on X. But X is Lianne’s, and she is currently couch-surfing between homes, so Bernhard is doing Y first. And his mother is coming. And it’s her birthday. We’re gonna to have …

Dinners Recipes

Who Framed the Welsh Rarebit?

Idit, March 21st 2022 Or: WE ATE WALES Because Idit found a list of traditional Welsh dishes on BBC Good Food – and cooked it. The whole bloomin’ lot. Here it is: Welsh Rarebit Glamorgan Sausage Bara Brith Lamb Cawl Conwy Mussels Leeks Tart Laverbread Crempogs Sewin and Samphire Salt Marsh Lamb No, I tell …

Dinners Recipes

V for Vend… Oh, Vanuatu!

Dorottya, Feb 7th 2022 Vanuatu is a South Pacific Ocean nation made up of roughly 80 islands that stretch along 1,300 kilometres, with a population of a little over 307,000 people.It gained its independence in 1980 from France and Britain, who called it The New Hebrides, because they didn’t have enough imagination to come up …

Dinners Recipes

U – Yoqimli Ishtaha!

Uzbekistan, Arianna, 10.1.22  It didn’t take much research to see that if I wanted to go for a cuisine which would be different than most of the ones we’ve done so far, and which would take me outside my cooking-comfort zone, it would have to be Uzbek. This near-eastern Muslim country sits on the crossroads …


T – All Hat and No Cattle??

Bernhard, 22/11/21 The founding members of this little club of ours are seriously taking liberties, throwing the rule book every which way.  First it was Dorottya with her audacious Quarantine dinner for Q, and now it’s Bernhard, electing a US State rather than a sovereign country for his T dinner!! Well, I’ll be darned! Hold …